Welcome Message

We are pleased to announce that the RIKEN BDR Symposium 2024 "Time Across Scales: Development, Homeostasis and Aging" will be held on March 4 to 6, 2024 at RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Kobe, Japan.

Biological phenomena consist of processes that have various temporal scales. For example, synthesis, localization, and degradation of macromolecules such as protein and RNA occur at the second-to-minute scale, supporting cellular events that function at the hour-to-day timescale. Then, the cellular events support the tissue function that is maintained at the month-to-year scale. In addition to the molecularly encoded fine mechanism that sustains life, each organism has its own unique lifespan, which is regulated by aging, the deteriorating process towards organismal death. Each biological event has its own unique “timer” that defines its pace, likely regulating the pace of events at different scales.

This symposium aims to bring together a wide range of scientists to discuss timer mechanisms and crosstalk of different timers that define the biological pace of development, homeostasis, and aging.

Topics will include:
· Developmental timing and tempo
· Dynamics in homeostasis
· Hallmarks and drivers of aging
· Time-defining mechanisms from molecules to organisms
· Technologies to dissect, predict, and manipulate biological time

We hope that this symposium will be a great opportunity to stimulate cross-disciplinary interactions and discussions that can open new avenues of life science studies. We encourage the submission of abstracts for the poster session for a lively and informative exchange of views. A small number of poster abstracts will be selected for oral presentations.

We look forward to welcoming you to our institute in March 2024.

Eisuke Nishida, Ph.D. 
Director, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR) 


James Briscoe(The Francis Crick Institute, UK)
Della David (Babraham Institute, UK)
Hironobu Fujiwara (RIKEN BDR, Japan)
Tomoya Kitajima (RIKEN BDR, Japan)
Mariko Okada (Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University)
Katsuyuki Shiroguchi (RIKEN BDR, Japan)
Sa Kan Yoo (RIKEN BDR, Japan)


Monday, March 4 to Wednesday, March 6, 2024




Auditorium, 1F Developmental Biology Building C
Kobe Campus West Area
RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research
2-2-3, Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku
Kobe, Hyogo 650-0047, Japan
(Approximately 5-minute walk from "Iryo Center Station" of the Port Liner train)
For details, please see "Directions".



Number of Participants

Up to 150
Registration will close when the capacity is reached. Priority will be given to the presenters.

Participation Fee

Lunch and Banquet fee required separately (optional)