Invited Talks
Invited speakers are asked to record their talks in advance (Slides and voice/speech). Recorded talks will be available for viewing for all registered participants and questions will be accepted through the BBS function. On the event day, recorded talks will be played for viewing through the online progrm and the Q&A sessions will be held in real-time. Chairs will moderate the Q&A session so please answer them within your allotted time.
Details on the recording presentations will be sent by e-mail.
Poster Presenters
Poster sessions will be held in real time using the Zoom breakout room function. On each day of the symposium, we plan to have four breakout rooms with five to ten presentations in each breakout rooms (format may change depending on the number of presentations). Participants will be able to move freely from one breakout room to another.
We ask presenters to submit few slides in PDF format in advance to be uploaded on the members-only webpage after Friday, February 19, 2021 to encourage active discussion during the session. Questions to the presenters will be accepted in advance in addition to the live Q&A.
Presenters will give a 5–10 minute talk using their presentation slides. An additional 5–10 minutes will be allocated for Q&A with a total of 15 minutes per presentation. The Chair of each breakout room will moderate the sessions.
Further details will be informed directly to selected poster presenters.
Details will be informed in due course.