
Attendees requiring an entry visa should download the "Information Sheet for Visa" and fill in the required information and upload the file with your CV and a copy of your passport as soon as possible. We advise you to send us these information well in advance as the visa application process take some.

Please also make sure that you nquire at the local Japanese embassy or consulate regarding the required visa and documents.

 ▶▶ Downloanload "Information Sheet for Visa" (pdf)
 ▶▶ Downloanload "Information Sheet for Visa" (xlsx)
 ▶▶ URL to upload the file:
*Please upload with your CV and a copy of your passport. Flight details can be kept blank if undecided but should be sent later once decided.

 ▶ Visa (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
 ▶ Countries or Regions that DO NOT require a visa to enter Japan


Please contact the secretariat if you have any inquiries on entry into Japan.