Oral Presenters
The symposium will be delivered by Zoom Webinar Meeting. Details will be informed in due course.
The sessions will be recorded and made available to the symposium participants for 10 days after the conference. We hope that you agree to share the recording of your presentation during this time. However, if you do not wish to have your presentation made available, please contact the symposium secretariat.
SpatialChat will be used for poster presentations and social sessions. For more information about SpatialChat, please refer to "Virtual Participation Guidelines".
Poster Presenters
Poster sessions will be held using SpatialChat.
Similar to Zoom, SpatialChat is a virtual meeting platform. The main difference is the additional dimension of space and proximity. In contrast to Zoom, participants can engage in separate conversations based on the proximities of the avatars from each other. Participants will be able to zoom in on each poster image within the virtual room.
All posters will stay up for the duration of the symposium. Individual presenters are assigned to one of the poster sessions. During the assigned session, we ask the presenters to "stand" by their poster for presentation and discussion with other attendees just like you would at a physical poster sessions.
Instructions for poster submission will be informed in due course.
Tips for making a good virtual poster
• The recommended poster resolution is 1920 x 1080.
• The aspect ratio should be 16:9. Horizontal layout will fit in the space better than vertical layout.
• The data should be less than 5MB.
• Font size should be larger than it would be for a normal poster. Visitors will be able to zoom in on each poster image within the virtual room, but the zoom is limited.
• Suggested font size is 100 pt for the title, 70 pt for the subheadings. Font size 45 pt is recommended as the minimum size for the figure legend and plain text. Smaller fonts (around 35 pt) can be used for the footnotes and axis label, but keep in mind that readability will vary depending on the size of the device the viewer is using. See poster sample below.
• Save poster as a .PNG.
• See our example poster.
▶▶PPTX file sample download