T-Y. Dora Tang

Dora Tang received her MSci in Chemistry from Imperial College London and her PhD from the same institution in the area of Membrane Biophysics under the supervision of Richard Templer and John Seddon. After her PhD she worked with high pressure small angle methodologies at Diamond Light Source, UK. She then moved to Bristol as a post-doc in the laboratory of Stephen Mann. There she worked on coacervates microdroplets for Origin of Life studies and later in synthetic biology to build intracellular communication pathways between populations of artificial cells using bottom up approaches. In 2016 she started her own laboratory at the Max Planck Institute of Cellular Molecular Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany. Her laboratory works between biophysics, materials science and synthetic biology to reimagine and translate physical phenomena that drives out of equilibrium processes in cells into novel and robust dynamic systems for synthetic biology applications and as physical models for biology and origin of life studies.