Yo Suzuki

Yo Suzuki, PhD is an Assistant Professor at the J. Craig Venter Institute working in the Synthetic Biology and Bioenergy group. Dr. Suzuki’s research is focused on systematic investigation of gene functions in various organisms. This includes studies of phenotypes involving inactivation or hyperactivation of multiple genes that can reveal novel gene functions. In some cases, these functions can be incorporated into microbial organisms through genome engineering to serve specific purposes in industrial or biomedical applications. Prior to his appointment at JCVI, Dr. Suzuki was a Post-Doctoral Fellow with Fritz Roth and Marc Vidal at Harvard Medical School and a Research Associate with Min Han at University of Colorado Boulder. He received his PhD from University of Colorado Boulder in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology with his work with Bill Wood. His undergraduate degree is from Nagoya University with his thesis research conducted with Kunihiro Matsumoto.